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Sunday, 28 April 2013

Wolves among us

This morning in the Sunday Independent I saw a sprawling front page spread detailing a brave Pro-Life activist's sting on two Labour TDs regarding their stance on abortion.

The anonymous pro-lifer masqueraded as a pro-choice supporter when confronting these two TDs and led the conversation towards the topic of abortion, asking the TDs about the impending vote on legislating on the X Case, (abortion available on psychological health grounds, such as suicide).

Now we all know how wondrously effective abortion on psychological health grounds has been in virtually every country it has been introduce. That is to say, not at all in terms of proving genuine psychological relief to the persons involved and how it totally avoids radical abuse of the law and further liberalization of abortion. But that is besides the point, the point here is we now have tapes of two Labour TDs admitting to an incremental approach to getting abortion on demand in Ireland, which has been successful in England (where abortion is still technically illegal but in all ways that actually matter its effectively abortion on demand because of the realities of the restrictions imposed by the Abortion Act).

The two TDs; Ms Anne Ferris and Aodhan O'Riordain, essentially admitted on tape that they are trying to use legislation on the X case as a wedge and a 'first step' from which they can go further on the issue. They reiterate it is within the Labour party's manifesto to legislate on the x case and they would not give up on it, they would pass it in order to comply with the European Court of Human Rights on the issue (who only want clarification on Ireland's current law for Doctors' sake and nothing more) but they will go further.

In fact the duplicity involved here is as sickening as it was foreseeable.

They intentionally pushed for the expert panel not for any genuine concerns, (and apparently hinted that they somehow knew the expert panel would push for more abortion liberalization), but to give cover to the 70+ Fine Gael TDs who oppose abortion strongly, thinking it would give them political cover to vote on a bill they would view as political suicide to vote yes to. From a real politik standpoint you can see the logic here, political cover is the holy grail of all politicians, but it is a trojan horse, as they revealed if they get into government next term they would continue pushing.

In fact Mr. O'Riordain went so far as to say if he was interviewed on a radio and someone asked him if he would push for more abortion he would say 'no of course not, it is what it is.' While fully admitted this would be a lie. Meanwhile Anne Ferris claimed that Labour leader an Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore had told an Taoiseach, Enda Kenny of the Fine Gael party to whip Fine Gael TDs into line on the x case, and whether or not this is true, Enda Kenny has indeed been trying to whip his party into line and faced strenuous resistance from his TDs. Aodhan even went so far as to all but call Fine Gael pro-life TDs country bumpkins, saying that if you are a rural TD then you are a good Catholic, who goes to mass and opposes abortion, said with disdain as he went on to say as he visited county Monaghan, he scratched his head, accused the people of the county of having latent homophobia and 'thought Irish society moved on.

I warned of wolves such as these getting into power when Fine Gael was looking for partners to form a government with and now we are witnessing the truth of the matter, TDs willing to sacrifice Irish babies on the altar of Baal for the sake of their ambitions and mad dreams at the expense of the damnation of Ireland.

The thing that gives me good heart is the bravery of some Fine Gael TDs and senators, some of whom have, against party wishes, visited pro life groups in America, openly opposed party whips as well as Brian Walsh, TD, who is the first to categorically state he would not be voting for abortion legislation on suicide grounds.

I can only vote more follow him.

Ireland has had its diplomatic reputation ruined, its ruling class reduced to muleing fools, its standing among nations shattered, its wealth robbed and its people taxed into literal bondage. Yet we are to believe we have more to lose if we do not compromise on our values?

Labour believes we are slaves and as good slaves we should do as we are commanded and obey, to make abortion legal and seal our damnation. Even though in doing so we will lose the last scrap of manfulness our nation can claim, the 21st century has not been kind to Ireland, nor will it ever be, if we do not stand strong now and hold to our souls we will not last the impending winter that will descend upon us all.

TDs, I back you in the name of God and Country, do not vote for this bill.

Slan go Phoile
Servant of the Chief

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Dear Republicans, please keep your own mess to yourselves

Hello, you may know me as a stupid fool, and I am ok with that.

However today I have come to you with a request.

Please stop referring to republican leaders, be they presidents, premiers, communist, capitalists, freely elected or doubtfully elected, good, bad as kings, just because you do not like them. For they are not kings, you yourselves do not want them to be kings and they frequently wish to promote their images as being anything other then a king.

I know it may be a bit much to ask, a monarchist requesting those who subscribe to a group of ideologies predicated on rebellion against tyranny, real or supposed, and the manipulation of the popular masses with lies, deceit and propaganda, admittedly honestly or not, to consider our sensibilities. But I feel I must request that you cease and desist. Because you see, your leaders are not kings.

In fact they are presidents and premiers. They have always been presidents and premiers. That's all they have ever been.

Yet whenever a politician, who gets himself into power through means of whitewashed lies, broken promises, fooled populaces and handshakes made in smokey rooms with poor lighting and does something that falls out of popular favor, or runs roughshod over perceived ideals and necessary conduct of law or stately behavior, he is almost always, compared to a king, by means of condemnation.

Now I could be here all day and say in precise terms why, exactly such a president is incomparable to a king, even a poor king who acts in similar manners, but you don't care about that in the slightest. My words already have little value in your eyes anyway so why waste them.

No, I am here to ask you to stop, not because it is inaccurate, but because you are putting the blame on us Monarchist for messes that are fundamentally your fault. Indeed, I wish you to stop so that your own manhood and integrity do not come further into question, though I fear I am fifty years of republican domination of the world too late for that, nonetheless it must be stated.

Monarchists are willing to own up to every atrocity, every poor ruler in our long histories, every bad royal decision, every ounce of blood on our hands, every betrayal of world history that you believe to be our fault.

If you would but own up to yours. Your tyrants and dictators and scheming colleges of politicians and hotbeds of political intrigue and corruption are your own, every atrocity of the twentieth century past the first world war has been the result of revolution, every promise broken, every stupid mistake, every betrayal every ounce of blood is on your hands and those of your leaders.

But you will not because your not only hate history you also hate any besmirching of your systems that are slowly and assuredly crushing the soul and life out of entire civilizations and you refuse to accept the fact that your presidents are not acting like kings when they are tyrannically going against the values of your ideology. Far from that.

They are acting like presidents. And always have.

So please, own up to your own messes, if you can.

Yours sincerely
Servant of the Chief