Happy St.Patrick's day to one and all, is féidir leat beo fada agus go leor leanaí a bheith acu!
But I have not been a happy man lately, too wired to the news, every time I seek to write about monarchical theory something happens on the news that enrages me to the point where I feel like writing about it instead, but withhold myself because I do not wish this to become a blog merely of rants on current affairs and end up getting nothing done.
But this once I shall share with you the various causes of my unhappiness in these times.
We have a Pope, a very humble man of which I am grateful, but rumblings and whispers of him setting out to destroy the good and beautiful liturgical reforms of Benedict in the name of 'humility' and, due to that, wreck our relations with the Orthodox when a reunion after nearly a millenia of division seems so close to hand, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople will attend the installation mass for the first time since 1054, I pray the Franciscans His Holiness has put in charge of liturgy will do well. I love the man but I have my fears, I want reform but not of the Holy Mass.
Across the waters in Britain the Queen who is in ill health, may she receive a speedy recovery, pledged to sign a charter promoting equal rights and especially emphasizing the rights of homosexuals within the commonwealth. Now we can all argue about the motivations as to why she would do this, including speculate who in Britain's ossified government pushed this forward for her to sign but at the end of the day the pledge was nothing more the rubber-stamping the laws already in place in the commonwealth and in Britain in particular. Its a shame that the Sovereing of England has been reduced to such a puppet status, but then again Ireland can't really talk, our President is in the exact same position in terms of power and ability to wield it.
And of course the wars and rumors of wars, Syria, Korea, Algeria and other parts of Africa and the petty and shamelessly public bickering between diplomatic giants over these issues.
But of course, the majority of my Ire is always reserved for my own country. Our government is a den of snakes and liars and troglodytes. From the shameless pre-arranged propaganda campaign of the Salvia Halapanivar scandal by pro-abortion groups to try to strong arm Abortion legislation unto the Irish Population and the diplomatic shame-talking down to us by India who right now should be busy trying to clean its own house to save what's left of its face all the way to the political kowtowing and scraping at the feet of a foreign institution in Brussels and Strasbourg and holding out the foodbasket for crumbs from the tables of the Troika and IMF. Shame, shame on our institutions of power, shame on our politicians, shame upon our willingness to 'admit' we voted wrong with our referendums, the history of Ireland after joining the European Union is one of scandal, waste, cowardice and shame.
And even after all this and all the evidence and pressure, (and I am pleased, threats of excommunication) our TDs are still going to try to vote to enforce legislation on the X case and enforce party whips on TDs who are apprehensive of going against the people's will on this matter, and here in the north when finally, FINALLY the party's move to put an injunction on that horrible horrible abortion clinic, which seeks to exploit Northern Ireland's strict conditions for legal abortion for profit. Sinn Fein, the 'party of nationalists' who are 'opposed to Abortion' yet 'do not seek to limit a woman's choice' allied with the greens to prevent the move to limit abortions to only be carried out by the NHS when they meet the criteria.
I demand their heads on pikes! I demand their blood! Traitors and vipers, the ones who made me turn from republicanism in disgust and dismay continue to show their marxist colors by favoring the murder of children in favour of ideology, let history and God judge them as they are, for how they have acted shall now echo in terrifying halls of eternity.
People who read this blog regular know I am rarely this openly violent in my attitudes but this is violence worthy, this is anger worthy.
And even after all this, not even the simple joy of St.Patrick's day can lift my spirits just a tad.
Slan go phoile.