I have been gone long enough and while I have some topics to indeed blog about, such as my discovery and investigation into a certain Pobal Na hEireann, a nationalist-monarchist group active in Ireland that until a very good friend of mine, whom we shall name Mars, told me of, had remained unknown to me. As well as my theory of uniting potential noble candidates into a council of cheifs from which an Ard Ri may be elected amongst his noble peers, harkening to ancient tradition and modernised into a monarchy unique to Ireland's quirks and qualms with even room given to the Unionists of the North. Hell, why not even fill you all in on the events happening right now in Northern Ireland from a first hand perspective of a university student in Belfast itself?
But such topics of adventures, escapades and mad theories of an island of mad people, I shall instead ask a pertinent question that concerns all monarchists but especially those of the West, be they Jacobite, Loyalist, Carlist, Legitimist , Bonapartist, Orleonist, Royalist, Constitutional, Absolutist, conventional or unconventional, whatever their philosophy, Religion, qualms, thoughts or nationality. It especially concerns those who value the debating over the monarchistic ideal then the spreading of said ideal.
Why are you all so damn complacent?
This came to mind after talking to several British monarchists online and watching them debate over certain topics and an inescapable pattern occurs that annoys me. They are so blinded by their love for Her Majesty the Queen and the royal family that they almost reject any notion that any threat could oust the Monarchy from power, that the very mention of such a notion warrants the person speaking it to be slapped with a wet fish. This belief remains perplexingly strong despite the undeniable truth that the monarchy in Britain while wielding immense prestige and cultural influence around the world, holds no actual power. Normally this is fine with constitutional monarchists and other sorts but this is exactly the problem when Britain has a growing republican base in its own country, or even with the Labour party likely to get another term in parliament. Hey, they've already done what can be consider almost irreparable damage to the House of Lords during their reign, do you honestly believe they would stop there? Honestly? Them and the others of their ilk?
And its not just in Britain, oh no, the love of the British for their beloved Monarchy is admirable in the extreme and exemplary to the rest of us, there's an element of this in France, where arguably the current modern ailment began, but also surprisingly with one of the strongest monarchist movements in the whole of Europe with at the least three camps arguing amongst themselves, the Legitimists the Bonapartists and the Orleanists respectively. It is perfectly reasonable that the dispute over the throne be resolved, but while they are arguing the Republicans are making inroads in their advance to destroy the beautiful nation of France, is it not more reasonable to instill monarchist fervour in the majority of the French instead and then argue who should have the throne? At least that way we'd be closer to actually having someone on the French throne.
I am of course running my mouth, and I admit I do not know the complexities or the ideals of monarchists in France, Britain, and everywhere else, but my annoyances stand. Of course the curse of monarchism is of course, pride, and it is often this pride that prevents us from truly seeing what is in front of us or more accurately what the truth is:
We are outnumbered, outgunned and down to our last few reigning monarchs whom most of us have something against for one reason or another, that HM Juan Carlos is still un-coronated or that Her Majesty the Queen of England is of the wrong royal line or whatever else have you. The fact of the matter is if we dont do something we have lost everything.
Do not get me wrong, it is as important as everything else that we discuss the finer points of monarchism, the points of conflict and the ironing out of philosophical wrinkles to the point of death, but not at the expense of garnering more support for monarchism as a whole. Why not make posters promoting the Royal House? Why not create flyers? Are these things beneath us? Is it beneath monarchism? Because our enemies are sure as hell counting on us to think so. If you have friends why not talk to them about it? Why not discuss it with your intellectual peers or other sorts? Hell why not even family? We might as well start somewhere because doing nothing is, surprise surprise, getting us nowhere.